Net Protector App Download

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A simple way to block access to the internet per application.

Published ByPlay Store
App Roleblock appdata block appsinternet blockuseful apps
Downloads (Nowadays)10,000+ downloads
Offered By– ByteCode Inc.
Download Size4 MB Only
Release DateAug 16, 2020

Important: The Application uses a VPN connection for its work, so we need to give the access when prompted.

NetProtect Firewall provides simple and advanced ways to block access to the internet – no root required.

Applications and addresses can individually be allowed or denied access to your Wi-Fi and/or mobile connection.

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Blocking access to the internet can help:

  • Reduce your data usage
  • Save your battery
  • Increase your privacy.

Key Features Of Net Protector

  • Simple to use
  • No root required
  • 100% open source
  • No tracking or analytics
  • Actively developed and supported
  • Android 5.1 and later supported
  • IPv4/IPv6 TCP/UDP supported
  • Optionally allow when screen on
  • Optionally block when roaming
  • Optionally block system applications
  • Material design theme with light and dark theme
  • Lite and compact size application
  • Clean and friendly user interface.

Try our best Internet Firewall protection to block/prevent all the unknown incoming Internet data access of per application and increase user privacy.