Dont Touch My Phone App Download

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Dont touch my phone Application will record those who will use your phone using the front camera in the background mode, invisibly for the user. You will see who, when, and what did to your favorite device while it is not under your attention.

Play Store Dont Touch My Phone App

Published ByPlay Store
App RolePrivacy
Downloads (Nowadays)10,000,000+ downloads
Offered ByMidnightDev
Download Size5MB
Release DateMay 16, 2014

How does Dont Touch My Phone work?

  • 1) Open the app and click the button. Then close the app and lock your device;
  • 2) The user unlocked the device or tried to do it. The application starts recording a report (photo, list of launched apps);
  • 3) The device screen goes out. The app saves reports. And so on;
  • 4) The user tries to unlock the device several times. The app saves reports;
  • 5) Browse your reports in the app. Set up sync with the cloud.

This dont touch my phone app uses the Device Administrator’s permission. The application needs device administrator rights to look out for incorrect unlock attempts. Android only detects a password or pattern as incorrect if it has at least 4 digits/characters or pattern dots.

The device Administrator needs to be deactivated before the app is uninstalled. For any questions: